Winter Pests Are Coming; Why Are They Worth Defending Against?

With the onset of the fall season, many of the notoriously annoying insects will start to fade in strength and number. While temperatures may still fluctuate into the warmer side, insect season is coming to a close, or so you might think. Yes, the benefits of cooler weather help a lot in the battle against creatures in the outdoors, but our battle isn’t done yet. Cold weather doesn’t mean all nasty critters will vanish; many gravitate to our homes as sources of heat and sustenance where they can overwinter.


While in the wild most of these creatures are unproblematic to us, but that all changes when winter arrives. Outdoor creatures only become an issue when they start to seek out shelter in your cozy house. Often, it is during the winter months that individuals discover that insects like cockroaches and spiders, as well as rodents, have flocked to your home. Every creature has its niche in the outdoors, but that niche should not extend to the nooks and crannies indoors. That’s where we come in.

Keep pest control in mind this winter

Wild animals and insects are just that; wild. As cute as an animal might look, (insects excluded from such descriptors) wild instincts are nothing to mess with. You don’t know where animals have been, what pests they carry on their bodies, or what diseases they might have. There’s just no telling! Such factors are critically important for you to remember because when insects and animals come to roost, you must understand that your home and health could be damaged in the process.


For example, should a rodent nest form in the walls of your home, animal waste and potential disease will follow. Over time, waste, nesting materials, and other detritus can build up and affect your quality of life as well as your home’s value. Just imagine, if insects and rodents have a chance to claim a foothold in your life, their activities and waste can permeate even your heat or air conditioning system. Inhaling such waste certainly isn’t good for your health. Rather than allow such a scenario to occur, look to the experts at Scientifically Advanced Pest Control.

Duluth pest control is just around the corner

At SAPC, we take great pride in the quality of our services, including their comprehensive nature. We leave no stone unturned when it comes to pest control for your home; we understand the consequences of a persistent issue of this nature. No matter the kind of pest, we have the tools to ensure your home is once again a sanctuary for you alone.


For Duluth pest control you can trust, Scientifically Advanced Pest Control is a tried-and-true solution. We’ve got you covered, no matter the pest. Give us a call at (770) 978-5839 to schedule your complimentary inspection!


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